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Wednesday 6 March




Presidential Welcome Address & Welcome of Organizer


Session 1: Targeting delivery of RNA Therapeutics


Chair: Ernst Wagner, LMU, Munich


13:10-13:30  Olivia Merkel, LMU, Munich

INV01: Artificial Intelligence for the Design of New RNA Nanocarriers


13:30-13:50  Ulrich Lächelt, University of Vienna

INV02: Xenopeptides for the delivery of CRISPR/Cas9 ribonucleoproteins

13:50-14:10  Christian Plank, Ethris, Munich

INV03: Modulation of host immunity in the airways with interferon lambda encoding mRNA


14:10-14:20  Mina Yazdi, LMU, Munich

OR01: In vivo endothelial cell gene silencing by siRNA-LNPs tuned with lipoamino bundle chemical and ligand targeting 


14:20-14:30 Olympia Bikou, LMU, Munich

OR02: Aerosolized gene and oligonucleotide therapy targeting microRNA-224 ameliorates pulmonary hypertension by orchestrating the BMP pathway   




Session 2: Inflammation therapeutics


Chair: Ulrike Protzer, TUM, Munich


14:30-14:50  Stefan Engelhardt, LMU, Munich

INV05Inhalation RNA therapeutics targeted to macrophages


14:50-15:00  Lea Krutzke, University of Ulm

OR03: Extracellular vaccine- or virus-derived SARS-CoV-2 spike protein: a potential link between reported pathologies 



Wolfram Ostertag Lecture


Chair: Manuel Grez


15:00- 15:05  Introduction by chair

15:05-15:40  Dorothee von LaerMedical University of Innsbruck 

INV06: A rhabdovirus for oncolysis and immunotherapy of cancer



Coffee Break


Session 3: Novel concepts in editing


Chair: Julian Grünewald, TUM Münich


16:10-16:30  Toni Cathomen, University of Freiburg

INV08: New insights in on- and off-target effects of genome editing


16:30-16:50  Zoltan Ivics, PEI, Langen

INV09: Next generation Sleeping Beauty transposases for nonviral engineering of therapeutic cells


16:50-17:10  Frank Buchholz, Dresden University

INV10: Engineering Designer-Recombinases for therapeutic genome editing


17:10-17:30  Angelo Lombardo, SR Tiget, Milan

INV11: Exploiting Targeted Epigenome Editing for Therapeutic Applications.


17:30-17:40  Victor Glaser, Charité University Berlin

OR04Enhanced safety in multiplex-edited T cells through combined use of distinct CRISPR enzymes for knock-in and base editing


17:40-17:50  Sibtain HaiderUniversity Medical Center, Freiburg

OR05: Peptide-assisted tethering of DNA repair effectors to Cas9 for precise genome editing


Session 4: Keynote

Chair: Zoltan Ivics, PEI, Langen


17:50-18:40  Laura Sepp-Lorenzino, Intellia, Boston

INV12Advances in Therapeutic CRISPR Cas9 Applications



Afterglow & posterwalk






Session 5: Editing cardiomyopathies 


Chair: Christian Kupatt, TUM, Munich


9:00-9:20  Julian Grünewald, TUM, Munich

INV13: Engineering CRISPR technologies for application in cardiovascular medicine


9:20-9:40  Mauro GiaccaKing's College London

INV14: RNA Therapies for Cardiac Regeneration and Gene Editing


9:40-10:00  Simon Lebek, University Clinic Regensburg

INV15: CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing as a therapy for common cardiovascular diseases


10:00-10:20  Charles Gersbach, Duke University, Durham

INV16: Genome Editing for Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy 



Coffee break


Session 6: New preclinical and clinical cancer concepts


Chair: Roland Rad, TUM, Munich


10:50-11:10  Claudio Mussolino, University of Freiburg

INV17: Multiplexed epigenome editing to protect CAR T cells from cancer-induced activation of inhibitory checkpoints


11:10-11:30  Liane Preußner, BioNTech, Mainz

INV18: BNT211-01: Interim results from a repeat dose escalation study of CLDN6 CAR-T cells manufactured with an automated process ± a CLDN6-encoding CAR-T cell-Amplifying RNA Vaccine (CARVac)


11:30-11:50  Ben Kleinstiver, Harvard Medical School, Boston

INV19: Engineering Improved CRISPR Technologies


11:50–12:00  Lea-Isabell SchwarzeUniversity Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf

OR06: Translation of advanced cell therapies for HIV+ patients  


12:00–12:10 Jonas Kath, Charité University Berlin

OR07: CD3-zeta gene editing to reprogram T or NK cells with chimeric antigen receptors 



Lunch & posters


Session 7: Cancer cell and virotherapy


Chair: Dirk Nettelbeck, DKFZ, Heidelberg


13:40-14:00  Alan Melcher, The Institute of Cancer Research, London

INV20: T cell receptor-antigen engagement dynamics with oncolytic virotherapy defines a novel subset of functionally active anti-tumour CD8 cells


14:00-14:20  Per Sonne Holm, Medical University Innsbruck

INV21: Cell cycle inhibition and epigenetic modulation meets YB-1 based virotherapy


14:20-14:40  Guy Ungerechts, NCT, Heidelberg

INV22: Viral Vectors for Cancer Immunotherapy


14:40–14:50  Frederik Wienen, University of Ulm

OR08: An oncolytic HAdV-5 with reduced surface charge combines diminished toxicity and improved tumour targeting 



Coffee break


Session 8: Novel cell therapeutics


Chair: Florian Bassermann, TUM, Munich


15:20-15:40  Andrea Schmidts, TUM, Munich

INV23: Engineering new CAR-T platforms


15:40-16:00  Christine Spitzweg, LMU, Munich

INV24: The sodium iodide symporter (NIS) as theranostic gene: its emerging role in new imaging modalities and non‑viral gene therapy.


16:00-16:20  Winfried Wels, GSHFrankfurt

INV25: CAR-engineered NK cells: Empowering the first line of defense against cancer


16:20-16:40  Evelyn Ullrich,  Goethe University Frankfurt

INV26: Engineering of primary CAR-NK cells paves the way for next generation immunotherapies


16:40 -16:50  Kerstin GeigerUniversity of Freiburg

OR09: Base editing restore cellular phenotype of T cells of patients with Hyper-IgE-Syndrome 


16:50-17:00  Jiri EitlerDresden University of Technology

OR10: Dual targeting of PD-L1 and ErbB2 by CAR-NK cells enables specific elimination of solid tumor cells and overcomes immune escape via antigen loss 


Afterglow & posterwalk


Networking event


FriDAY 8 March




Session 9: In vivo gene therapeutics


Chair: Stefan Kochanek, University of Ulm


9:00-9:20  Stylianos Michalakis, LMU, Munich

INV27: Development of retina-targeted gene therapy: new concepts and remaining challenges


9:20-9:40  Tarik Bozoglu, TUM, Munich

INV28:  Affinity peptide mediated retargeting of AAV9 to cardiac interstitial cells


9:40-10:00  Hildegard Büning, MHH, Hannover

INV29: Tailoring Adeno-associated virus (AAV) vectors for in vivo gene therapy


10:00-10:20  Dirk Grimm, University of Heidelberg

INV30:  AAV (finally) flexes its muscles: Evolution and application of myotropic AAV capsid variants


10:20-10:30  Marco Radukic, Bielefeld University

OR11:  ITR instability in E. coli? The answer is 42 (°C) for improving quantity and quality of rAAV


10:30-10:40  Ceren Kimna, Helmholtz Center Munich

OR12:  Cell Level Imaging of Nucleic Acid Therapeutics in Whole Mouse Bodies 




Session 10: Introduction of the National Network Office for Gene and Cell Therapies


11:10-11:20   Elke Luger, National Network Office for Gene and Cell Therapy

The National Network for Gene and Cell Therapies – just another network?



Session 11: Young investigator session


Chair: Hildegard Büning, MHH, Hannover


11:20-11:35   Daniela Paasch, MHH, Hannover

OR13: Scalable generation of functional human iPSC-derived CAR-macrophages that efficiently eradicate CD19- positive leukemia


11:35-11:50   Samuel Theuerkauf, Paul Ehrlich Institute, Langen

OR14: AAV vectors displaying bispecific DARPins enable dual-control targeted gene delivery


11:50-12:05  Juliane Schott, MHH, Hannover

OR15: Third-generation lentiviral gene therapy rescues function in a mouse model of Usher 1B


12:05-12:20 Martin Bentler, MHH, Hannover

OR16: Modifying immune responses to adeno-associate virus vectors by capsid engineering


12:20-12:35  Max Wichmann, University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, Hamburg

OR17: Deep characterization and comparison of different retrovirus-like particles preloaded with CRISPR/Cas9 RNPs


Session 12: Ethical considerations


Chair: Axel Schambach, Hannover Medical School


12:35-12:55  Klaus Tanner, University of Heidelberg

INV31: Ethics through bureaucracy? The limits of formal rationality


12:55-13:15  Gerd Maass, Roche, Munich

INV33Challenges and opportunities of CGT - the industrial perspective


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